Hello and Gidday,

My name is Dani and I come originally from Switzerland. I have been living inSpain since 2018. The first couple of years I spent in the province of Malaga and I used to have hives. Unfortunately, the drought in Andalusia is already so extreme that bee keeping in this part of the country is hardly worth while anymore.

2023 I spent most of the time in Villanueva de los Infantes (Province Ciudad Real). This region, La Mancha, is also the home of Don Quijote. The climate offers excellent conditions fort he pistachio trees. In the beginning of 2024 I moved to Sarria (Province Lugo).

One reason to come to Galicia was the Camino de Santiago. Another reason is the passion for Celtic music, which is traditionally cultivated here in Galicia. With my online shop I want to sell good Spanish products. Nuts and honey products are always an optimal dietary supplements on a hike as well as athome. So I am happy to provide you with great food.